Thursday, June 14, 2012


This is just as it appears to me. The concepts from ancient Vedic texts have been freely adopted in this essay.

When I watch the popular Discovery and National Geographic channels and the unimaginable world of living organisms, I get a feeling that this universe is an interplay of just two things: energy and the consciousness. These two connect living to non-living, visible to invisible, mini- to the mega-world and all beings on earth to the endless universe.

When we see the photographs of universe taken by the star-gazing mega- telescopes, it is realised that it is only mass and energy, continuously changing forms. The Unanishads (ancient Vedic texts) call that mass-energy interchange, the dance of Shiva (the Purush). Since they are interchangeable, we shall consider it as mass-energy. We do not see the second, i.e. the cosmic consciousness (the Prakriti); but it has to be inferred from the living beings. However there is more than that.

There is a third and the supreme element of all, the Brahman or the supreme universal spirit, that does not take part in any activity but presides over everything that happens around. It is infinite, immortal and indestructible.

The Universe, as we see, comprises of a vast measure of organic, living objects. I think all the living objects represent the combination of the two basic principals, namely mass-energy and the consciousness. The Brahman, the third element, resides in all living (and also nonliving) objects but remains aloof. I visualize these three elements in the human body, as follows.

(a) The gross human body, including the subtle or unmanifest body (sukshma sharira) represents the COSMIC MASS

(b) The kundalini (energy lying coiled at the base of spine or muladhar chakra) that flows through the seven chakras (energy centers or vortices, see picture) represents COSMIC ENERGY

(c) The Soul or the atman represents COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS

(d) The universe comprises 70% dark energy and the rest is 25% dark matter and just 5% is the normal matter (earth, stars, etc.) as we see it. I think that all pervading dark energy resides in all living and non-living things as the Brahman or the SUPREME UNIVERSAL SPIRIT. Some call it the God or Almighty. It has no attributes and can only be inferred (neti .. neti). The Rigvedic hymns (ancient Aryan texts) state that the Supreme Universal Spirit or the Brahman holds complete control over cosmic mass-energy and the cosmic consciousness through centrifugal action, directed outward from within. This perception matches with the principal characteristic of the dark energy that it causes the Universe to expand indefinitely. 

What are leading characteristics of these elements as observed in mankind? The leading characteristic of the gross human body and even the subtle or unmanifest body is aging. Both require food to survive. The process of aging starts from the moment body takes birth. The death is the culmination of aging, when the soul or the atman (cosmic consciousness) along with the subtle or unmanifest body (sukshma sharira) with the kundalini and the seven chakras (cosmic energy) leave the body to seek another one.

The existence of cosmic energy (kundalini) can be inferred by the self-actuated and self-controlled functioning of the internal organs of living body, consider heart beating as a symbol. It will not be correct to treat living body as some machine, as all machines require actuation and control from outside.

The cosmic consciousness (soul) is represented by the consciousness or awareness which every living being has about its existence, for example we are always aware about our existence as a human being, male or female and so on. In collective term, this awareness is our mind. It should be noted that unlike cosmic consciousness, the mind or the individual consciousness is limited only to the body. We experience the existence of mind every moment through the chain of thoughts, which continue even when we are asleep. On this basis we can define Samadhi as a zero-thought state i.e. when the individual consciousness or mind is in consonance with the cosmic consciousness. An individual reaches the state of awakening or atmagyan when he realizes and sees that his true self is not the body (sharira) but the atman or the soul.

There is no direct evidence of the existence of the dark energy, representing the Brahman or the supreme universal spirit. The reason being that it is beyond our perception of time and space (three dimensional)

In a nutshell, the Universe is a grand  interplay between mass-energy (the Purush) and consciousness (the Prakriti) and the Supreme Spirit (the Brahman) presides.


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